Lailatul Qadr begins tonight
I hope everyone is in great spirit in Ramadan, in great health and is in the blessings of Allah, inshaAllah.
This is just a short note to remind you that tonight is the 20th night of Ramadan. This means Lailatul Qadr begins tonight, according to many sound hadeeths. Even though many authentic hadeeths stated that Lailatul Qadr is on the odd nights and a few stated it may be on the 27th night of Ramadan, do try to be consistent on trying to seek Allah's forgiveness on these last 10 nights. InshaAllah if we are consistent in our worship to Allah SWT, He would ensure that we will not miss the true night of Lailatul Qadr. (Amin)
Therefore, try to:
1. Pray the Qiyam Ramadan (terawih) prayer every night from now on.
2. Read the Quran much more.
3. Do many, many dhikr (remembrance of Allah).
4. Wake up earlier for your breakfast and try to make dua and do dhikr or read the Quran
5. Sleep less hours
6. Don't forget the dua of lailatul Qadr: Allahumma innaka 'afuw-wun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu anni (Oh, Allah, You are the One who pardon greatly, You Love to pardon, so pardon me)
Do also remember the hadeeth that Allah SWT is at the lowest heaven in the last 3rd of the night, listening to our invocations and prayers. Therefore, please work a little harder on these last 10 nights. InshaAllah, Allah SWT would forgive all of us and grant us Paradise & protect us from the Hellfire.
Take care.
Our Lord, grant us goodness in this world, and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the hellfire. Amin.

Niezam Phg says...
Saya sepatutnya meletakkan posting ini semalam. tetapi ada masalah sedikit.harap ianya masih berguna dan bermanfaat kerana kita masih berada di 10 malam yang terakhir.dugaan untuk tidak berterawih semakin kuat sebenarnya..semoga kita dapat melawan dugaan tersebut. insyallah.
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