Be careful when u buy pendrive from China

People in China can think of many ways to con you
Guys, watch out when u buy a Pen Drive …...
This is the pendrive that my fren purchased from Beijing , China last month...........
cannot be used and asked me to help him to take a look at it...
This is what you get a so called 'Pendrive'......???????
Can you believe it ???believeeeeeee [ mcm tag line dokumentri tu..tak ingat la..oh ripley's..]

Niezam Phg says...
terima kasih kepada yang sudi berkongsi maklumat ini dengan saya.rasa nak tergelak besar melihatkan pen drive tu.tapi kalau kena kat diri sendiri mau berasap rasanya....semoga kita tak terkena.berhati hati jer la...
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