Blog Niezam Phg

Ada kalanya Allah memberikan kesenangan kepada kita bukan untuk menyenangkan kita, tetapi supaya kita dapat menjadi orang yang menyenangkan orang lain....semoga saya mampu menyenangkan anda ketika di teratak ini...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Aids can spread in this way too...


Good to know.

A 10 year old boy, had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell sick, from the day he had eaten. Later when he had his health check done...
doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS. His parents couldn't believe it...
Then the entire family under went a check-up... none of them suffered
from Aids.So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy

said "yes". He had pineapple that evening. Immediately a group from M alaya Hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check. They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the pineapple, his blood had spread into the fruit. When they had his blood checked...the guy was suffering from AIDS..... but he himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is suffering from it now. Please take care

while you eat on the road side. Please forward this mail to your dear one.

Niezam Phg says.....

Tak tahulah sejauhmana kebenaran kisah nie tetapi tidak salah untuk kita sentiasa berhati hati. so gunakanlah kebijaksana masing masing untuk menilai kebenarannya...

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  • At November 04, 2007, Blogger Alpha said…

    Errr...AIDS, walaupun membawa maut, sebenarnya satu penyakit yang paling susah nak merebak. Tolak mereka yang ditakdirkan menerima sakit tersebut melalui pemindahan darah atau isteri/suami yang tak bersalah, AIDS hanya merebak dikalangan ahli maksiat...itu nikmat yang Allah beri kepada yang lain2.

    Jadi saya cerita ni temberang 100%...kecuali si penjual buah menghidap AIDS,jarinya terluka terus mengenai buah yang terus dimakan budak tu. Peluang budak tu nak kena AIDS pun sangaaaaatlah kecil. Kata pakar, virus AIDS hanya boleh tahan kurang 20 minit di luar tubuh manusia.

  • At November 19, 2007, Blogger Encik Rasis said…

    agreed with alpha... virus HIV tidak boleh hidup di luar badan manusia, sebab itu HIV tidak boleh berjangkit melalui gigitan nyamuk.


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