Static electricity in Petrol Stations....Beware..
As a continuation of the video about static electricity in which a girl had a fire accident on getting out of her car and directly touching the nosepiece, we come across a similar case:
With the generalisation of self-service facilities in petrol stations people should be warned about the outbreak of fires resulting from static electricity while they are pouring in petrol.150 cases of this type of fire have been investigated and the results were very surprising.
1- Of the 150 cases, more happened to women than men, due to their habit of getting in and out of the vehicle while the petrol is being poured in.
2- In the majority of cases the people had re-entered their cars when the hose was still pouring petrol out (the danger of the triggers on the nosepieces). When they finished refuelling and got out to remove the hose pistol the fire began, as a
result of the static electricity.
3- The majority of those affected used rubber-soled footwear and clothes of synthetic fibres.
4- Never use mobile phones when filling up with fuel.
5- It is well known that it is the vapour that comes from the petrol that burns and causes the fire when it makes contact with static charges.
6- In twenty-nine of the cases analysed, the people re-entered their vehicles and later touched the pistols during the petrol fuelling process. This happened in cars of different varieties of makes and models.
7- Seventeen fires occurred before, during or immediately after the cap of the petrol tank was removed and before starting to fill up with petrol.
8- The static charge often results from when a passenger rubs their clothes against the upholstery of the seats on getting in or out of the vehicle. To avoid this, it is recommendable that NOBODY gets in or out of the vehicle while the
petrol is being poured in. Movement in or out should only be done BEFORE starting, or when the fuelling is finished and the petrol cap placed.
9- MAXIMISE THE PRECAUTIONS if the petrol has spilt or splashed onto the ground. Highly inflammable vapours are immediately produced which can be ignited by sparks of static electricity from the turning on of electronic equipment (mobile
phones, remote controls, etc.) or by the ignition of the vehicle itself. BEFORE starting up the engine again, the spilt petrol must be gathered or neutralised by the petrol station staff.
IN YOUR VEHICLE: Stop, put the handbrake on and turn off the engine, radio and lights
NEVER: Never return to your vehicle while you are pouring in fuel.
AS A PRECAUTION: Get used to closing the car door on getting out or into the vehicle and in this way the static electricity will be discharged on touching something metallic.After closing the door TOUCH THE METAL PART OF THE BODYWORK before touching the petrol pump pistol. By doing this the static electricity in your body will be discharged on the metal and not on the pistol.
As mentioned, we undertake this as a daily task, both inside and outside the company. The following bulletin aims to raise public awareness of this danger.
I ask you to send this information to ALL your friends and family, especially those carrying children in the cars when pouring in petrol. Thank you for passing on this information.

Niezam Phg says..
Tubuh badan kita memang mengandungi cas elektrik statik sebab itu ada orang yang mampu menghidupkan mentol dengan memegangnya sahaja.ditambah pula dengan kemahiran mengawal tenaga dalaman.dalam keadaan biasa pun kita memang mempunya cas tersebut.cara yang paling mudah untuk me nyah caskan ialah dengan memegang besi lain sebelum menyentuh barang yang sensitif dengan cas tubuh kita.ketika belajar menyelenggara komputer dahulu pun guru saya melarang saya menyentuh terus komponen dalaman komputer sebelum menyahcas kan elektrik statik tersebut.dalam video di atas kita perhatikan perempuan tersebut masuk semula kedalam kereta dan melakukan beberapa pergerakan dan memegang/mengosok baju yang menyebabkan cas elektrik statik meningkat.
kalau masih ingat masa kecil dulu cikgu sains suruh kita gosok pembaris denagn rambut dan boleh mengangkat helaian kertas kecil.itu salah satu contoh mudah.berbalik kepada klip tadi.perempun tersebut sepatutnya memegang body kereta dahulu untuk mengairkan cas elektrik yang ada dlam badan ke keretanya kemudian barulah memegang pistol minyak itu.tetapi perempuan tersebut terus memegang pistol pam dan menyebabkan sambaran api kerana tahap ruapan gas yang tinggi sekitar lubang mengisi minyak tersebut.
Rasanya dinegara kita telah terdapat 2 kes yang melibatkan sambaran seperti ini.tetapi lebih kepada kesilapan pengguna itu sendiri kerana menggunakan handphone ketika mengisi minyak.peluang untuk disambar api dalam keadaan itu adalah sangat TINGGI. jangan biarkan keluarga anda menangisi pemergian anda hanya kerana terbakar semasa sedang mengisi minyak akbat kejahilan anda sendiri....patuhilah peraturan yang dibuat pihak berkuasa...ANDA MAMPU MENGUBAHNYA...JANGAN JADI SEBAHAGIAN DARI STATISTIK.....
At October 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
bahaya jugak yer kat stesen minyak nie.masyarakat kita kan jenis suka ambil lewa jer menda menda penting macam nie.bila dah kena baru tau..isk mintak dijauhkan
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